Accommodation in Pravets, Sofia Region Bulgaria deals 2024
(27 offers, 132.7EUR - 1000EUR)

About PravetsDetails and images of Pravets


The town of Pravets is located at the foot of the Balkan Mountains (800m above the sea level) at a distance of 60 km from the capital of Bulgaria - Sofia. It is birthplace of ex Bulgarian comunistic leader Todor Zhivkov. Pravets is famous for the excellent sport facilities, the beautiful nature and convenient climate during the summer months.

The first microprocessor factory in Bulgaria was situated in Pravets.

Recommendations for travel Pravets

The St. Theodor Tiron monastery is located about 2-3km away from the town of Pravets, following the road to Etropole. It lies in the Etropole part of the Balkan mountain, and is naturally bounded by the relatively low Bilo mountain to the South and the defile of the Vitomeritsa river to the north.