About Brestovitza - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Brestovitsa is a village in the Rhodope region in southern Bulgaria. The village has a population of 3718 inhabitants and is famous for wine and for wine it produces.
The village is located 18 km south-west of Plovdiv at the foot of the Rhodope Mountains, the geographical boundary of the Upper Thracian Plain at an altitude of 297 m.
The forests around the village cover an area of 2,500 ha. The relief is rugged with woods, meadows, ravines and rounded peaks. The village is characterized with transitional continental climate. The highest point in the village lands is at 930 m in the Bryanovshtitsa area.
The fauna is also very rich and includes species such as hare, fox, wolf, wild boar, golden jackal, European badger, roe deer, deer, mouflon as well as many bird species including eagles and owls.
The village exists since the 12th century. In the village lands have been discovered traces of a pre-historic settlement. Votive tablets with the Thracian horseman, silver coins and other objects have been discovered.
Brestovitza | Brestovitsa is a village in the Rhodope region in southern Bulgaria. The village has a population of 3718 inhabitants and is famous for wine and for wine it produces.
The village is located 18 km south-west of Plovdiv at the foot of the Rhodope Mountains, the geographical boundary of the Upper Thracian Plain at an altitude of 297 m
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