About Dryanovo - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Drianovo is a town in the region of Gabrovo, Bulgaria. The city, the office of residence is where we get born architect, sculptor and builder Kolyu Ficeto Bulgarian, one of the leading representatives of the Bulgarian Renaissance. Not far from the city and are Drianovo Monastery Baceo Kiro Cave, where they discovered the oldest traces of habitation from the Balkan Peninsula, footprints dating from the Paleolithic.
Dryanovo is located 22 km away from the city of Gabrovo with its ethnographical complexes, 24 km away from the medieval Bulgarian capital – the city of Veliko Tarnovo, 17 km away from the town of Tryavna with its architectural ensembles of the Bulgarian national revival and 34 km away from the town of Sevlievo, the old Hotalich. The population of the municipality is around 11000. In the region of Dryanovo have been found one of the oldest trails of life in the Balkan peninsula – in the "Bacho Kiro" cave.
Dryanovo offers to its visitors extremely various and interesting tourist objects. Museum exhibitions by which are preserved and exposed the manner of life and the culture of a few generations of Bulgarian art masters, the architecture and building genius of the great Usta Kolyu Ficheto, a rich collection of icons from the Bulgarian Revival period, archeological finds ( one of the oldest in the Balkan peninsula), pedestrian and cycle routes, eco-trails.
Dryanovo | Drianovo is a town in the region of Gabrovo, Bulgaria. The city, the office of residence is where we get born architect, sculptor and builder Kolyu Ficeto Bulgarian, one of the leading representatives of the Bulgarian Renaissance
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