About Hisarya - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Hisaria recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Hisarya, Plovdiv
Hissar is one of the most famous resorts of "health" of Bulgaria. It is located in the center of the country, Gornotrakyska Valley, between the peaks of the mountains south Sredni Gora, 40 km north of Plovdiv and 170 km east of Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria.
Hissar is a green city without industry and rich in parks and green areas. Hissar is famous for the many sources of mineral water balneotherapy institutions, a lot of nursing homes, dozens of recreational facilities and numerous parks and gardens.
Hissar town is known for its thermal springs since Roman occupation at that time was an important spa. After being burned by the Goths in sec. III was rebuilt in sec. IV as a fortress with massive walls and tall. In sec. V and VI as part of the city reached its climax after the Byzantine Empire begins to decline. During the Turkish occupation and the town was destroyed in seconds. XVII begins again to be appreciated for its natural resources and repopulated, now received the name of Hissarya (Fortress). Subsequently, the city had an active role in the fight against Ottoman rule.
The climate is moderate continental with mild winters and pleasant. Snow made his presence felt on average 27 days per year. Spring comes earlier and summers are warm with an average temperature of 22C. Autumn is long and warm. Average annual humidity is moderate and fog phenomenon is an exception. The wettest months of the year are June and November. The city boasts a number of 280 sunny days per year.
Resort Hissar on the territory are a total number of 22 mineral springs with a total flow and temperature 4000l/min 37 - 52C. Physically waters are colorless, odorless and tasteless. They are easily mineralized and rich in hydrocarbons, sodium, sulfate and fluoride ions, and radon metasilicate acid (10-165 em) with a pH between 7.6 to 9.02 and contains over 20 micronutrients.
The mineral waters of this region have curative properties in treating various diseases such as kidney, liver, gall bladder, gastritis, diabetes, etc.. The best known hot springs in the area are Momina and Momina Banya Salza.
Hisarya | Hissar is one of the most famous resorts of "health" of Bulgaria. It is located in the center of the country, Gornotrakyska Valley, between the peaks of the mountains south Sredni Gora, 40 km north of Plovdiv and 170 km east of Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria
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