About Riviera - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Riviera Beach recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (60 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Riviera, Varna
Riviera Holiday Club is located 17 km north-east of Varna, on E-87 international road, and at 27 km from Varna airport. It is very close to Golden Sands resort, both resorts are within minutes walking from each other.
Structure with a few modern hotels all located a few meters from the beach and have swimming pools, playgrounds for children, treatment facilities, restaurants, conference halls. In the past, these hotels are owned by the government as a summer residence for its members.
The beach is narrow and surrounded by dikes to form several bays. It is much more freedom compared with the Golden Sands beach.
Riviera | Riviera Holiday Club is located 17 km north-east of Varna, on E-87 international road, and at 27 km from Varna airport. It is very close to Golden Sands resort, both resorts are within minutes walking from each other
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