About Rousse - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ruse is the fifth largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city in the country situated on the river Danube. It is located 320 km from the Bulgarian capital Sofia and 203 km from Varna. The city is also called "Little Vienna" because of unique ancient architecture.
The city was founded by Roman Emperor Vespasian in 1969-1979 as the Sexaginta Prista ("Port of sixty ships"). In the Middle Ages Russian region was among the most developed areas of the Bulgarian state.
Russian is a major industrial center. One of the first industrial park was built here in Bulgaria. Machinery and shipbuilding industries are well developed.
The city is famous for its preserved buildings from the late nineteenth century and beginning ХХ. There are more than 260 monuments. Most of the city's attractions are situated in central Russian city (museums, architectural landmarks, theater, opera, hotels, restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops).
Approximately 200 buildings are listed as historical and architectural heritage. Dohodno building was built in 1902 and the Freedom Monument was inaugurated in 1908. The first was built in classic German, and the monument is a unique creation of the Italian sculptor Arlondi Tsoki.
On the main street of the town is "Aleksandrovska", an architectural ensemble of buildings in neo-Baroque and Neo-Rococo architectural styles.
Russian is the most active and authoritative cultural center of the Bulgarian Danube and hosts several major cultural events every year. A modern city with an active nightlife, many nightclubs and restaurants that satisfy any taste.
Rousse | Ruse is the fifth largest city in Bulgaria and the largest city in the country situated on the river Danube. It is located 320 km from the Bulgarian capital Sofia and 203 km from Varna. The city is also called "Little Vienna" because of unique ancient
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