About Russalka - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Russalka recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (7 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Russalka, Varna
Russalka, the northernmost resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is situated in an area of spectacular rock and just 325 km from Bucharest, about 50 km from Vama Veche. Russalka is a highly original and outstanding flora and fauna. Practically no sense but adevartul resort in a holiday village with about 10 tennis courts, great view, you can rent a kayak, canoe, yacht, diving, riding possibilities and mineral water jacuzzi, children's art club - all these have made Russalka a desired area and more often visited by tourists young and those seeking peace and isolation.
The resort can be recommended for those who want quiet vacation and tourism information, as it is the perfect base from which to a long series of archaeological sites and buildings of great historical significance. Some ideas for excursions: Kameny Briag (rocky shore) with multiple caves and reefs (favorite of students, hippies, the tourists looking for peace and privacy). Yalata famous for rocky terrain. Cave enthusiasts should note that the sea has formed in the 40 caves, some primitive cave paintings. The name comes from the astonishing resort "sirens of the sea '.
Zona de tarm din Russalka este reprezentata print-o insiruire de golfuri cu maluri stincoase, acoperite de pietre, si din loc in loc plaje mici cu nisip fin. Este unul din cele mai spectaculoase tarmuri ale Marii Negre un colt pentru cei doritori de liniste si salbaticie.
Russalka | Russalka, the northernmost resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast is situated in an area of spectacular rock and just 325 km from Bucharest, about 50 km from Vama Veche.
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