About Shkorpilovtsi - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Shkorpilovtsi recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Shkorpilovtsi, Varna
The sand strip in Shkorpilovtsi is 13 km long and 100 m wide and it is the longest and the widest sand strip at Bulgarian Black Sea side. It is equally attractive to the guests of any of the lovely hotels there and to the camping fans. The region is an excellent example of ecologically clean region, which blends wild beaches and various types of woods in an unparalleled manner.
Shkorpilovtsi | Shkorpilovtsi is a small sea resort, located only 100 m away from one of the most beautiful beaches on the Northern Black Sea coast. Its proximity to the sea capital of Bulgaria – Varna makes it a preferred holiday destination for many Bulgarian and foreign
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