About Sliven - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The city of Sliven (comparatively large town - 8th largest in Bulgaria) is located in South-East Bulgaria. It is administrative center of Sliven District. The town is situated in the eastern part of the Gornotrakiiska valley at at 270m above sea level in the immediate foot of Sliven Balkan (Eastern Balkan Mountains), 270 km east of Sofia, 28 km northwest of Yambol, 70 km northeast of Stara Zagora, 75 km east of Kazanlak and 114 km west of Bourgas.
Sliven is famous for Bulgarian outlaws who fought against the Ottomans in the 19th century and is known as the "City of 100 of princes" (prince - the captain of the outlaws).
Sliven is famous for its clean fresh air, clean water sources, meak winter and cool summer. The unique rocky massif, the Blue Rocks, "Sinite Kamani", and associated national park, the fresh air and the mineral springs offer diverse opportunities for leisure and tourism.
Sliven is situated on the international highway Е-773 which connects Sofia with Bourgas. Alongside with this road route, there is a railroad. The east part of the Balkan Range (Stara Planina), where the town is situated is cut by passages which are very important for the communications between northern and southern Bulgaria. There is an airport with the necessary facilities for passengers and cargo service.
Sliven | The city of Sliven (comparatively large town - 8th largest in Bulgaria) is located in South-East Bulgaria. It is administrative center of Sliven District. The town is situated in the eastern part of the Gornotrakiiska valley at at 270m above sea level
in the immediate foot of Sliven Balkan (Eastern Balkan Mountains), 270 km east of Sofia, 28 km northwest of Yambol, 70 km northeast of Stara Zagora, 75 km east of Kazanlak and 114 km west of Bourgas
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