About Sofia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sofia recieved a rating of 4.1 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (20 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sofia, Sofia Region
With just under one million inhabitants, Sofia is a city with many facets of western Bulgaria. In addition to historical monuments and romantic places welcoming cafe offers animated streets and, not least the architectural splendor of the communist regime. Sophia was already in times past, a road hub of European traders, and this position has kept it at present.
Sofia is among the oldest cities in Europe, for which there is no surprise that boasts numerous historical monuments. In the center stands the church, the Alexander Nevsky, which is actually the largest building of its kind in the Balkans. It was built at the turn of the nineteenth century and twentieth century as a monument of Russian military, who fought in the war of independence of Bulgaria. The lighting of fascinating, richly decorated inside with onyx and alabaster enchants visitors. Part of the underground church and tomb of Alexander Nevsky, known as the Museum of icons, which contains a collection of 300 religious icons.
The oldest Orthodox church in town is the church of St. Sophia, patron saint of the city, which dates from the mid-sixth century. Ten centuries later, the church was rebuilt and turned into a mosque which was destroyed by earthquake in the nineteenth century and then rebuilt again. A UNESCO World Heritage listed and another church in Sofia, that Boyansky Church, which dates from the thirteenth century. The oldest building in the territory of Sofia is the Rotunda of St. George in the fourth century, which is currently hidden in a modern building.
The only mosque preserved on the territory of Sofia is Banya Bash. The creation of Mimar Sinan, who also designed the legendary Blue Mosque in Istanbul dates from the sixteenth century and attracts up to 400 daily Muslim prayers.
In addition to countless churches, Sofia also boasts with a variety of museums, most diverse. The best known is undoubtedly the National Museum of History in Sofia suburb, Boyan. There are exhibits of the history of Bulgaria, including the famous gold Thracian treasure, which dates from the first millennium BC National Museum of Natural History has over a million specimens of animals, plants and minerals. In addition, it arranged an exhibition of live animals. Ivan Vazov's house captivate all lovers of literature. The Bulgarian poet became famous thanks to the novel Under The Yoke, describing the uprising against the Turks in the nineteenth century.
Pride of the town's largest parks is, who really are here in abundance. The best known is undoubtedly the city park, Sofia City Garden. The place is loved by locals and attracts many tourists to relax in dozens of cafes and cozy corners with small fountains. The largest park of Sofia is Freedom Park, where they are located: a skating rink, a zoo and three sports stadiums.
Public baths, sometimes called central tourist deserves tested. Mosaic building was reopened in 1911 and is now divided into City Museum, and the location for hydrotherapy. The open area in front of the baths, you can take water with healing effects, from hot mineral springs.
Not far from town, lies the oldest natural park of Bulgaria, Vitos. It is a popular mall, so locals and tourists. Mountainous area offers enough runs for skiers and equipped tourist routes, is also a target for tourists. Especially in August, here come the faithful pilgrims bound for Deragalevtsi monastery.
Depends on you what version you choose to Sofia. If you do not take into account the recommendations of hotel operators and tourist brochures and you decide to start on the streets, locals like genuine, you know the most beautiful skin. Fairs Sofia, with street musicians, ulicioarele narrow with lots of historical splendor forgotten, small markets and cafes old unforgettable atmosphere, you can only live here and now.
Sofia | With just under one million inhabitants, Sofia is a city with many facets of western Bulgaria. In addition to historical monuments and romantic places welcoming cafe offers animated streets and, not least the architectural splendor of the communist regime
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