About Stara Zagora - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Orasul Stara Zagora recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Stara Zagora, Stara Zagora
Stara Zagora is a region in central Bulgaria. It is bordered by regions Haskovo, Kardzhali, Plovdiv, Lovech, Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Sliven and Yambol. Its capital is the city namesake. It covers the plains of Stara Zagora, some parts of the Balkan Mountains and Sredni Gora Mountains. Trakia Motorway and Maritza, and Sofia-Karlovo-Burgas, Sofia-Plovdiv-Burgas and Ruse-Podkova railroad crossing region.
The region is rich in water resources. Besides the upper stream of the river and its tributaries Tundzha many, the area abounds in karst springs. There are a lot of mineral springs in Pavel Banya, Stara Zagora and village resorts Jagoda. Koprinka Dam is one of the largest in the country. Kazanlak is famous for its special smell the roses of the precious rose oil is extracted.
In close proximity are comlexele Radnevo Maritza Iztok mines and energy. Reserves Sokolna and Kamenitza, Tazha keys, key protected areas and Maglizh Enina, beautiful waterfalls (Kademliisko Praskalo, Babsko Praskalo, Tarnichensko Praskalo, Golemiyat Skokie, etc.) and caves in the region offer good conditions for tourism and relaxation. Bulgarian part of the great forest that once covered the whole country have been kept and Tulovska Vetrenska Gora Gora. In the village of Granit can find the oldest tree in Bulgaria - an English oak (Quercus robur) by the year 1640.
Fertile land in the region have been inhabited since ancient times. Many prehistoric remains have been found here, but remain unquestioned interest Thracian culture. Lands in the region were inhabited by Thracian tribes Odrysae. Seutopolis capital city today is in the bottom of the dam Koprinka, while numerous Thracian mounds and tombs have been discovered along the river Tundzha, called "Valley of Thracian Kings".
The most valuable of all is the Kazanlak Thracian tomb, inscribed on UNESCO World Heritage List. Trajan the Roman town of Augusta was one of the most powerful cities in those parts of the Empire. There are a number of historical monuments in the region that are related to the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman domination. Most of them were united in the Shipka-memorial complex Buzludzha. Bulgarian epic battles between soldiers and the army of Suleiman Pasha took place in the Shipka Pass in 1878.
Stara Zagora | Stara Zagora is a region in central Bulgaria. It is bordered by regions Haskovo, Kardzhali, Plovdiv, Lovech, Gabrovo, Veliko Tarnovo, Sliven and Yambol. Its capital is the city namesake. It covers the plains of Stara Zagora, some parts of the Balkan Mountains
and Sredni Gora Mountains
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