About Sunny Day - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sunny Day recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (112 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sunny Day, Varna
Located 10 km north east of Varna - the summer capital of Bulgaria - and 8 km from Golden Sands - Sunny Day is in the vicinity of the first resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast - St. Constantine & Helen.
It is a closed-circuit station, where visitors feel special. Lack of road traffic required ensure their silence. All hotels are located on the beach. It is 1 km in length and width from 20 m to 80 m.
It is a favorite resort for families but also by tourists who want a quiet holiday to recharge batteries.
Golf resort situated at the end of isolation, sandy beaches and is ideal for relaxation and balneology centers and convention halls are ideal for business meetings and treatment.
Sunny Day Spa Center has two offers over 100 procedures for treatment, including mud treatments, aromatherapy, reflexology, laser therapy, fitness, medical cosmetics, solarium and sauna.
Sunny Day | Located 10 km north east of Varna - the summer capital of Bulgaria - and 8 km from Golden Sands - Sunny Day is in the vicinity of the first resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast - St. Constantine & Helen
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