About Targovishte - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Targoviste city is located in the north-east of Bulgaria. It is located in the mountains Preslav, located 320 km from Sofia, 40 km from Shumen and 100 km from the towns of Veliko Tarnovo and Ruse. In the town of Targoviste found new schools and four elementary schools, theater and puppet theater, a library and a community center and a school of beautiful art. In addition, the city has a team of folk dance and majorette team and many teams football, karate club, a sports club orientation.
Targovishte | Targovishte is situated at the southern foot of Preslavska Mountain on the two banks of Vrana River 339 km northeast of Sofia. During the last years Targovishte gets a serious economic progress which transformed the image of the town
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