About Topola - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Topola recieved a rating of 4.1 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Topola, Varna
Topola Village, on the coast is a very quiet and undiscovered village with a virgin sandy beach. It belongs to the municipality of Kavarna and is situated 54 km north of Varna, and 50 minutes from Varna International Airport.
Location of the village by the sea, near the Bulgarian seaside resorts (10 km from Balchik, 6 km from Kavarna, 36 km from Golden Sands, 17 km from Albena) makes it a very attractive area for living interesting. Also in the area there are golf courses.
Topola | Topola Village, on the coast is a very quiet and undiscovered village with a virgin sandy beach. It belongs to the municipality of Kavarna and is situated 54 km north of Varna, and 50 minutes from Varna International Airport
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