About Trigrad - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The village is part of Trigrad Smolian district is located in the western Rhodope Mountains, not far from the border between Bulgaria and Greece. It lies 26 km south of the city and 40 km west of Devin Smolian city.
It is situated at an altitude of 1000 m + above sea level, covers an area of 77,993 km ² and has a population of 707 inhabitants (census 01/01/2007).
Many homes remain found in copper-stone age, and during that certify the origin of ancient Thracian village. The village is considered to be composed of three smaller towns, that's why it's called Trigrad (three settlements).
For many, the keys are the most impressive Trigrad nature of Bulgaria. Besides incomparable Trigrad Keys region is home to about 150 caves, is the way of attraction for nature lovers, climbers and cavers throughout the year. Only two of them, Devil's Throat cave Yagodinska and are open to ordinary tourists.
Christian and Muslim traditions and culture are interwoven in the village. In Trigrad you see a Christian church and a mosque built next door.
The village offers many attractions for tourists, such as caving, horseback riding, hiking and mountain biking. Trigrad keys are a great natural phenomenon which is spread over about 2-3 km along the river Trigradska.
Trigrad | The village is part of Trigrad Smolian district is located in the western Rhodope Mountains, not far from the border between Bulgaria and Greece. It lies 26 km south of the city and 40 km west of Devin Smolian city
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