About Zheravna - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The village emerged between the 12th and 14th century and grew to become a cultural and handicraft centre in the 18th century.
Popular sights in the village include the museum house of the merchant Rusi Chorbadzhi from the early 18th century, the Church of St Nicholas inaugurated in 1834 and housing icons from the 18th and early 19th century, the museum house of the noted writer Yordan Yovkov born in 1880, the art gallery occupying the old class school and the museum house of the educator Sava Filaterov.
Zheravna is at 579 m above sea level.
Zheravna | Zheravna is a village in central eastern Bulgaria, part of Kotel municipality, Sliven Province. The village, set in a small valley at the southern foot of the eastern Balkan Mountains, is an architectural reserve of national importance consisting of more
than 200 wooden houses from the Bulgarian National Revival period (18th and 19th century), and a quickly developing tourist destination
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