About Zlatograd - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Zlatograd Ethnographic Complex is located in the heart. It is an outdoor museum, which is also part of the daily life of the locals. The complex includes an ethnographic museum, workshops and an exhibition of equipment for water. After touring the complex juru, visitors can sit and relax in some of the restaurants in town or drink a cup of coffee made on hot sand spun and served in a special way. There are several hotels in Zlatograd, because the city is a popular tourist destination. Accommodation is also available in ethnographic complex itself - in an old house with authentic atmosphere of the Bulgarian Renaissance.
Zlatograd | Zlatograd (literally Gold town) is a town in Bulgaria, 60 km from Smolyan. It is located in a valley between the Massif Central and Eastern Rhodopes. Greek border lies just 5 km from the city on January 15, 2010 was inaugurated the road to the border crossing
point Zlatograd - Thermes (Greece) Ivaylovgrad in Haskovo Province is a town in the south-east of Bulgaria set of near the river Arda in the easternmost part of the Rhodope Mountains
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