About Ognyanovo - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The village is situated in the valley of Mesta river in the skirts of the Dabrash part of the Rhodope Mountains. The village is 3 kilometers north of Garmen and together with Marchevo the three villages are almost merged. Ognyanovo is laying 72 kilometers southeast of Blagoevgrad and 125 kilometers southeast of Sofia.
There are two groups of thermal mineral water springs. One of them, called "Miroto" is formed by 17 springs with temperature of 42°C. The remains of old Roman bath has been unearthed at that location. The other group of 7 springs are colder 16-40°C. The water is clear, colorless, with a slight smell of hydrogen sulfide.
There is a hotel, few guest-houses and a sanatorium. The village is not far from Kovachevitsa and Leshten - two villages with old preserved and reconstructed houses from the 19th and 20th centuries.
Ognyanovo | Ognyanovo is a resort village with thermal mineral water springs in Garmen Municipality, in Blagoevgrad Province, Bulgaria.
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