About Pomorie - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Pomorie recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (285 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Pomorie, Burgas
Situated on a peninsula full of rocks, 5 km long, Pomorie is a modern city, located 18 km south of Nessebar, well known for its spa treatments and bird watching.
Nearby, Lake Pomorie has a salt content of 70%, being 4 times more salty than sea water. The city was enriched in fact, passed by extracting salt from the lake and in the Ottoman period, was the most important city on the coast, after Varna. Mud from the lake is used for treating diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, the city with a long tradition in the mud baths of the Romans.
The uniqueness of this resort is on salty lake that has led to a large treatment facilities. In addition, Pomorie is well known and among ornithologists. During the year, more than 200 species of birds can be seen around the lake and follow the route of migrating birds that stop in Via Pontica during spring and autumn to feed on shrimp in the salt lake. Endangered species such as Dalmatian Pelican and Pygmy cormorant can be seen with other common species. Lake is also a breeding ground for high and trawler randuncia. Lately, the construction of artificial breeding platform has proven to be successful.
Pomorie wooden buildings would have competed with those of Nessebar, but unfortunately one can still only a small part of them because of the devastating fire in 1906. Most modern buildings are concrete and are unattractive, although there are some houses made in the Renaissance style, situated on the east side of the peninsula.
Pomorie | Pomorie is a modern city, located 18 km south of Nessebar, well known for its spa treatments and bird watching. Nearby, Lake Pomorie has a salt content of 70%, being 4 times more salty than sea water. The city was enriched in fact, passed by extracting
salt from the lake and in the Ottoman period, was the most important city on the coast, after Varna
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