About Bansko - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bansko recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (718 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Bansko, Blagoevgrad Bansko
Bansko is the most modern resort in Bulgaria, enjoying the best ski center in Central and Eastern Europe.
The town of Bansko is situated nearby the river Glazane (tributary of Mesta River) in north-eastern foot of Pirin, right bellow the highest and most beautiful part of the mountain. City name comes from the old Bulgarian word "ban" meaning "master." It is located 160 km from Sofia and only 6 kilometers from Razlog. Thanks to the excellent ski facilities combined with the unique architecture of the town, Bansko has turned into one of the favorite destinations for skiing and snowboard.
Orasul Bansko is situated at 925 m altitude, and the ski area lies between 2,000 and 2,600 m altitude. Pirin mountain has a predominantly Alpine character and highest peak is Vihren - 2914m.
Bansko snow fully enjoy having the longest ski season (from mid December to mid May). In recent years, the resort has undergone a massive investment into building new hotels and several facilities for ski lovers. Even vis-à-vis the cable is developing a new resort with luxury hotels and holiday apartments.
Bansko | Bansko is the most modern resort in Bulgaria, enjoying the best ski center in Central and Eastern Europe.
The town of Bansko is situated nearby the river Glazane (tributary of Mesta River) in north-eastern foot of Pirin, right bellow the highest and most beautiful part of the mountain
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