About Borovets - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Borovets recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (151 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Borovets, Rila Mountains
The oldest Bulgarian winter resort is Borovets with a history from 1896! Today Borovets is the biggest and most modern resort in Bulgaria.
It is situated on the conterminous Borovets col and on the northern slopes of the Mousala ridge in the eastern part of Rila. Huddled in venerable pine woods 1390 meters above the sea level (with highest pistes at 2600 m)makes it a perfect place for relax and recreation.
The climate is also considered to be healthy. The winter in the resort is mild and of course with loads of snow! The average temperature during the coldest month January is 4.8ºC. Usually the slopes of Borovets have snow cover from mid December till April. The air in Borovets is clear, free of any pollutants.
Borovets is also easy accessible- 12 kilometers long first class road connects it with Samokov; Sofia (the capital of Bulgaria) is just 72 kilometers away.
There is a regular bus transport as for Samokov every 30 minutes.
The real charm of Borovets can be felt during the winter. It is then when the harmony with the nature is complete.
Borovets | The oldest Bulgarian winter resort is Borovets with a history from 1896! Today Borovets is the biggest and most modern resort in Bulgaria.
It is situated on the conterminous Borovets col and on the northern slopes of the Mousala ridge in the eastern part of Rila
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