About Byala - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Byala recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (21 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Byala, Varna
Byala is a rustic village with a strong emphasis due to the large areas covered wine grapes and has only 2000 inhabitants. It is located 5 km north of Obzor, 79 km from Bourgas and 59 km south of Varna. As a tourist resort Byala has been the rustic destination dedicated to adventurers and nudists, but slowly, over the beaches around Cape Athanasius began to raise new hotels and apartment complexes impressive. The location is excellent for construction staging view over the sea. High cliff in the sea alters the accommodation units located there. The beach is very good with fine sand and water clear enough even permanently exposed sea breeze.
Byala | Byala is a small town and seaside resort in Eastern Bulgaria, located on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in Varna Province. It is the administrative centre of the homonymous Byala Municipality and lies in a semi-mountainous region in the easternmost branches
of Stara Planina
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