About Kiten - presentation, information, photos and recommendations

Primorsko recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (30 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Kiten, Burgas

The town of Primorsko is relatively small as it has population of about 2,500 people. 52km south of Bourgas, the town lies on a cape jutting out between the Stamopolo Bay and the Dyavolski (Devil's) Bay. The town has two beaches, the Northern and the Southern ones. The former is more open and offers rough sea, which makes it treasured by surfers, while the latter is smaller and calmer, and hence preferred by families. Traditionally, the Southern Beach gets overcrowded during the top season, which makes holidaymakers sunbathe at nearby beaches, such as the one of the International Youth Centre. The youth centre is situated only 1-2 km to the south of the town and represents a typical holiday city for young people with plenty of villas, bungalows, hotels, bars, discos, and various sports grounds. The area is forested with deciduous trees and vegetation and is arranged as a park.. The centre was built in socialist times in a bid to promote interaction among youngsters from Soviet Bloc countries.

The most interesting part of the history and the culture of Primorsko is connected with the ancient Thracians who once live in this region. 4 sanctuaries, 12 dolmens and 10 hill necropolises have been discovered here. The most interesting of them is "The Beglik Tash" sanctuary, which reveals the cult of the ancients to the sun.

A sanctuary discovered in 2003 is said to be the earliest dated Thracian sanctuary in South-Eastern Thrace and the Black Sea coast known to this moment. The ceramic utensils discovered, show that there existed communication between the native people and the peoples from the island of Crete, Troy and Egypt as early as the III c. B.C. The sanctuary relates to the cult to the Mother-God. The big rocks and stones of the sanctuary are partially hewed and arranged in unique forms.

The nature reserve Ropotamo, known for its rock phenomena Lavska glava (The Lion's head) and Zmeiska kashta (The dragon's house) is situated on the territory of the town. The Ropotamo river and the Diavolska River cross the town and some 6 kilometres away is the remarkable Maslen cape The sightseers can visit the world famous nature reserves Vodni lilii (The Water Lillies) and "The Ropotamo", protected areas like the Arkoutino marsh and the Stamopolo marsh and the Perla sand dunes.

Kiten | The town of Primorsko is relatively small as it has population of about 2,500 people. 52km south of Bourgas, the town lies on a cape jutting out between the Stamopolo Bay and the Dyavolski (Devil's) Bay

Information source 

Top hotels in Kiten

Forest Beach, Kiten

Forest Beach    

   Score 7.9/10 out of 10 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Les Magnolias Hotel, Kiten

Les Magnolias Hotel  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel near beach  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Bungalows Holidays, Kiten

Hotel Bungalows Holidays  

Score 5.2/10 out of 2 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Guest House Ivano, Kiten

Guest House Ivano

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Perla Luxury, Kiten

Hotel Perla Luxury  

Score 5.3/10 out of 1 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Jeravi Hotel, Kiten

Jeravi Hotel  

   Score 8.9/10 out of 1 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • All Inclusive  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/12/2025

Hotel Primorsko Del Sol, Kiten

Hotel Primorsko Del Sol  

   Score 7/10 out of 6 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • All Inclusive  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 12/23/2024

Hotel Sveti Dimitar, Kiten

Hotel Sveti Dimitar  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Coop, Kiten

Hotel Coop  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel on the beach  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Kiten Beach, Kiten

Hotel Kiten Beach  

   Score 6.4/10 out of 1 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Sigma, Kiten

Hotel Sigma  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with parking  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Jasmin, Kiten

Hotel Jasmin  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Dara , Kiten

Hotel Dara   

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel near beach  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Sunny Paradise, Kiten

Hotel Sunny Paradise  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel near beach  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Mm Complex, Kiten

Mm Complex

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel family hotels  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Opal, Kiten

Hotel Opal  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel near beach  
  • Bus (04/17 - 09/23/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Lotos, Kiten

Hotel Lotos

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with parking  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Belvedere, Kiten

Hotel Belvedere  

   Score 9.9/10 out of 1 reviews

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with children playground  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided

  Last booking: 02/01/2025

Hotel Green Paradise Deluxe, Kiten

Hotel Green Paradise Deluxe  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Green Paradise Complex, Kiten

Green Paradise Complex

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with children playground  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Eco Palace, Kiten

Hotel Eco Palace  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Sunday, Kiten

Hotel Sunday  

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with outdoor pool  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Sunarita, Kiten


Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel near beach  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Malkata Stopanka, Kiten

Hotel Malkata Stopanka

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Hotel Nadia, Kiten

Hotel Nadia

Kiten, Burgas, Bulgaria

    • Bus (05/20 - 09/14/2025)
    • No transport provided

    Map of hotels Kiten

    Travel map Kiten

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    Clients remarks about Primorsko


    Monica, group of friends 09/03/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Plaja este cu nisip fin insa cu urme de gunoaie mici lasate de turisti fara bun simt. Intrarea in apa foarte lina si potrivita pt copii. Foarte placut seara sa te plimbi pe faleza sau prin oras. Seara strazile se transforma in zone de promenada datorita faptului ca nu prea circula asa multe masini.


    Radu, family with children 08/20/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    Ilie, couple 07/02/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Este o statiune unde poti merge cu copii,ptr cuplu nu e indicat,seara nu ai efectiv unde sa iesi,doar in padure


    Florian, family with children 08/21/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Este superba statiunea, merita vazuta..., dar cu rezervare de la alt hotel


    Keresztes, group of friends 08/11/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Complexul din Primorsko este un mic rai pe pamant, cu natura, umbra, aer proaspat si fara inghesuiala. Nisipul este curat, exista si un teren de sport in apropiere de complex unde poti face miscare.


    Nicolae, family with children 06/29/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Sta?iune mica dar ok


    Ciprian , group of friends 09/05/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    STANICA, couple 07/11/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler



    L, couple 09/04/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    zavicsa, couple 08/30/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Kiten este o statiune f f frumoasa,curata si cu doua plaje superbe


    Cosmin, couple 08/19/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    sarolta, group of friends 08/12/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Primorsko mi s-a parut o localitate mai putin frecventata de turistii straini (cat am stat in sejur, am vazut doar 4 masini cu numere de Ro, una de Hu si una de Nl), de aceea pare un pic mai salbatic si mai natural, ceea ne ne-a placut la nebunie ca noi de obicei evitam inghesuiala si aglomeratia. am prins 2 zile cu alge multe in apa (parea ca faci baie intr-o supa de spanac), dar au disparut, apa a devenit curata (vedeai pana la fund si cand erai in apa pana la gat), fara valuri accentuate. Plaja este potrivita pentru copiii mici, devine adanc incet, iar nisipul este fin si placut.


    Catalin, group of friends 07/05/2021DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    Lory, couple 09/04/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler



    Cristi, couple 08/15/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    George, family with children 08/07/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    O sta?iune frumoasa


    Cristiana, family with children 07/26/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Complexul este situat intre sta?iunile Kiten si Primorsko, ambele merita vizitate.


    Felicia, family with children 09/15/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    Zsolt, group of friends 08/22/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    sarolta, family with children 09/22/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Hotelul este intr-un loc mai indepartat de inima orasului, in mijlocul unei paduri tinere. Plaja este curata si lata, nisip fin.


    Ganea , family with children 08/23/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Lipsesc mijloacele de divertisment pentru copii. Multa verdea?a,mul?i copaci , umbra suficienta, peisaj u?or salbatic. Foarte mul?i tantari.


    George S, family with children 08/16/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Plaja frumoasa, curata cu nisip fin. Orasul foarte animat cu multiple atrac?ii.


    Erika, group of friends 08/09/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    adrian, family with children 08/03/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler


    liviu, family with children 07/31/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Statiunea e linistita si frumoasa, faleza e super iar imprejurimile statiunii merita vizitate.


    Ionut, group of friends 07/18/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Statiunea este ok, cu parc de distractii relativ ok. Cam vechi parcul, dar atractiv pentru copii.


    Cristina, family with children 07/17/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    foarte frumoasa statiunea, curata si animata


    ALEXANDRA, group of friends 08/31/2015DIRECT BOOKING traveler



    sorina, family with children 08/28/2015DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    Statiunea necesita investitii,sunt zone lasate in paragina,autoritatile nu se implica asteapta ca si la noi sa investeasca privatii iar acestia investesc doar in hotelurile lor strazile si terenurile virane lasa de dorit in ceea ce priveste curatenia.


    MARIUS, couple 07/25/2015DIRECT BOOKING traveler

    We could not find any landmarks according to your specifications
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