About Sandanski - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sandanski recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sandanski, Blagoevgrad Bansko
Sandanski is situated 190 meters above sea level, south-west of Pirin mountain ridge, on both sides of the river Bistrita Sandanska. The city is located 166 km away from Sofia and 74 km from Blagoevgrad.
It covers an area of 26,867 km ² and has a population of 26,882 inhabitants (census 01/01/2007).
Here is the famous resort in Bulgaria, well known for the curative powers of its mineral springs.
Without exaggeration the climate here can be described as unique. Throughout the year, air temperatures are higher than anywhere else in the country. The average annual temperature (14.7C) is the largest in Bulgaria. Winter is mild and short, and autumn - long and warm. Humidity is low (66%) and annual duration of sunshine is no less than 2436 hours. Sandanski has the lowest annual rainfall in Bulgaria (127 liters / square meter) and almost no day foggy. The air is remarkably clean and unpolluted.
Besides natural beauty, lush vegetation and remarkable curative climate, the resort also offers a variety of mineral water. Wells and natural springs situated in two thermal zones have a total flow of 1,500 liters / min. Mineral waters have an almost uniform chemical composition, but contain different amounts of acid and fluoride metasilicate. The waters are clear, colorless, odorless, with good taste: silicon (contains metasilici acid 71-135 mg / liter), slightly fluoric (3.2 - 6.5 mg of fluoride per liter), hiperthermal (42 to 81C), slightly mineralized, more Hydrocarbonate contain sodium and sulfate, with a pH value ranging from neutral to slightly alkaline (pH 7.2-8).
Sandanski | Sandanski is situated 190 meters above sea level, south-west of Pirin mountain ridge, on both sides of the river Bistrita Sandanska. The city is located 166 km away from Sofia and 74 km from Blagoevgrad
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