About Sveti Vlas - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Sveti Vlas recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (373 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Sveti Vlas, Burgas
The resort is situated at the foot of Stara Planina mountains, Black Sea coast, 3 km north of Sunny Beach and 12 km from Nessebar.
Sveti Vlas has a Mediterranean climate, far from the noisy city life, yet just 5 minutes from Sunny Beach, Bulgaria is among the destinations that have experienced the fastest development. Most of the resort is impressive holiday complex consisting of almost all built after 2000, with German investment, but British and Bulgarian.
Almost the entire resort was built from scratch and is designed as a residential area vacation especially for families, in which visitors feel intimate and stay away from crowded coastal resorts accustomed to more comfort and serenity.
The beach is narrow, has a length of 1 km and continue almost to the beach in Sunny Beach. It is arranged with chairs and umbrellas.
City history dates from the Second Century, when the city was founded by the Thracian tribe Larisa Larisa. Later in the fourteenth century, the city changed the name of Larisa in Sveti Vlas, named after a monk. During the Ottoman occupation, the town was named Monasteries, because the five monasteries nearby. He returned but the old name of Sveti Vlas in 1886.
Sveti Vlas | The resort is situated at the foot of Stara Planina mountains, Black Sea coast, 3 km north of Sunny Beach and 12 km from Nessebar.
Sveti Vlas has a Mediterranean climate, far from the noisy city life, yet just 5 minutes from Sunny Beach, Bulgaria is among the destinations that have experienced the fastest development
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