About Balchik - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Balcik recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (625 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Balchik, Varna
Spa town of Balchik is situated on the seaside, at a distance of 501 km from Sofia and 36 km north - east of Varna, near the resort of Albena and the city of Kavarna.
The ancient Thracians are the first inhabitants of the region is Balchik. In the area were found many artifacts 2,000 years old (glass, metal tools, weapons). In the Middle Ages there was a castle here, Cronuj, that protects the city against attacks from the sea.
In the central city is the medieval Orthodox Cathedral. Almost all icons have been kept in good condition. In the vicinity of the Palace garden will be built for Queen Marie of Romania. City name comes from the word cuman balikchik (small town) as - Prof. Ivan Dobrev.
Cultural, natural and historical sites
Botanical Garden is one of the top one hundred most important tourist attractions of Bulgaria. Visitors can see unique plants, across the globe. Near Queens Botanical Garden is Mary Castle, which was home to Queen Mary for a while. Botanic Garden and Queen Mary Castle are the most attractive tourist sights.
Balchik | Spa town of Balchik is situated on the seaside, at a distance of 501 km from Sofia and 36 km north - east of Varna, near the resort of Albena and the city of Kavarna.
The ancient Thracians are the first inhabitants of the region is Balchik
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